Monday, May 01, 2006

Colbert, The Comic Genius

This was the greatest performance I have ever seen by a comedian. A man, playing a right-wing talk show host, is set before an audience that he routinely lambast on Comedy Central. Its like a gift from heaven. He stands up out of his seat and slowly walks over to the podium. The conservatively dressed man looks up at the crowd and adjust his glasses as they almost fall from his nose. Does he follow the format and provide the wolves their proverbial meaty helpings of lame comedy leftovers, or does he go for the jugular. Provide them the biting sarcasm and irony perfected by the comic mavens at his network. Give them a taste of his show.

He did better. Like the old master, Andy Kaufman, Colbert changed the entire perspective of the dinner. He tossed it on its side, kicked it in the groin and then kicked it again. Because, you see, the Dinner, which started out as a fun light-hearted self deprecating affair, was in actuality a joke in itself. The joke isn't on them, the joke is them!

Andy Kaufman would have been proud.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


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