Hump Day! Star Trek Oldies and Goodies
This is funny. Now, I'm not a big Start Trek fan, but Bert sure is! This is for you Bro.
Found on John Gorenfeld's Blog:
Found on John Gorenfeld's Blog:
The Summer of 1994 my Mother and I went to Orlando to Universal Studios, a trip I had wanted to have for a long time prior if for no other reason but to go on the Back To The Future ride. While we were there we found a video souvenir place that can put you ‘into the movies’. All they had was Star Trek and though I was a modest fan of the films I wanted to do it anyway, problem was this required two people, one for the role of Captain and one as the Vulcan. My Mother really didn’t want to do it but it was that or some stranger from the park be in my video so I convinced her to do be the Vulcan…